
Showing posts from July, 2018


I am Rafael Aditya, I am twenty (20) years old and I am originally Indonesian. I am a student of english education faculty at Mathlaulanwar university, Pandeglang. I am in 4th semester and I live in Pandeglang saketi. At my college, I join EDSA organization which aims to create good english students and I am the one who is in charge of it, my position in this organization is skill development, but next year I will be the leader of it since my lecturers always turn to me when it comes to teaching English and also I want to promote and explain how important learning English is for everyone. I have also good presentation skill. I have two little brothers and I am the first child which means I have to take more responsibility since I will be a leader in the future. What brings me to join UGRAD program is that I am eager to get to know and learn about American culture there since being able to study in the United States is my only dream but I can not afford to go there due to the lack of