
I am Rafael Aditya, I am twenty (20) years old and I am originally Indonesian.
I am a student of english education faculty at Mathlaulanwar university, Pandeglang. I am in 4th semester and I live in Pandeglang saketi. At my college, I join EDSA organization which aims to create good english students and I am the one who is in charge of it, my position in this organization is skill development, but next year I will be the leader of it since my lecturers always turn to me when it comes to teaching English and also I want to promote and explain how important learning English is for everyone. I have also good presentation skill. I have two little brothers and I am the first child which means I have to take more responsibility since I will be a leader in the future.
What brings me to join UGRAD program is that I am eager to get to know and learn about American culture there since being able to study in the United States is my only dream but I can not afford to go there due to the lack of money, plus I am from non-elite background family and I have never been to America before. I studied Cross cultural understanding at my college, so I understand a little bit about American culture. I am the one who do not give up easily and loves learning new things and foreign languages, especially English. I teach elementary kids English in my village to help my neighbor teach English.
Moreover, I want to enhance my knowledges and explore the United States to get beneficial things through this program because I don't want to limit myself to my current degree.
A couple months ago, I joined the TOEFL PBT in Serang and the score has been really satisfactory for me, I got 530, I hope it will be able to bring me to the United States and I am sure that the word "Impossible" is the short for "I am possible"
if I am eligible for it, I will be the one who feels over the moon because I think UGRAD is a big opportunity to study in the United States and then meet my new lovely peers there and share each other about culture so I do not want to miss this great program. I will consider to be the Art faculty student if I get selected at one of top universities in the United States since I love art and music so much. I spend my spare time on playing football with my peers in the afternoon, learning English, reading books and also watching movies.
I also joined English course in Pare-kediri at Faster English last year for about a month and I got the certificate of it if it is required. I am a confident and easy person which is easy to be friends and I get along very well with my peers and I also never get involved in drugs, criminal, or anything bad during my whole life.
I am a muslim, but the differences can not thwart me to take this opportunity since I can obviously respect each other.
Thank you for your nice attention, I'm sorry that there might be some shortcomings in this essay, but I'm struggling with it and I'm looking forward to your respond.

Best regards

Rafael Aditya


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