

I am Rafael Aditya, I am twenty (20) years old and I am originally Indonesian. I am a student of english education faculty at Mathlaulanwar university, Pandeglang. I am in 4th semester and I live in Pandeglang saketi. At my college, I join EDSA organization which aims to create good english students and I am the one who is in charge of it, my position in this organization is skill development, but next year I will be the leader of it since my lecturers always turn to me when it comes to teaching English and also I want to promote and explain how important learning English is for everyone. I have also good presentation skill. I have two little brothers and I am the first child which means I have to take more responsibility since I will be a leader in the future. What brings me to join UGRAD program is that I am eager to get to know and learn about American culture there since being able to study in the United States is my only dream but I can not afford to go there due to the lack of
Well, I have got a friend named Siti Laelatul Lutfiah, but people normally call her Lulu, she is 21 years old, she is from Tangerang, but now she lives in Pandeglang which is far away from her hometown and she stays at a dorm close to her college with her mates. She graduated from Aliyah Syekh Mubarak Tangerang, she is a student of Mathlaulanwar University. she is in English Education faculty and is in the 4th semester. She speaks Indonesian. She is such a cheer, gung-ho and tender-hearted girl. In her free time, she prefers reading books and singing instead. People like her because of her friendliness, she is not married though. She has one brother and one sister.

Pandeglang culture fest

The Pandeglang Cultural Festival is attended by 4 countries namely Japan, South Korea, Yemen, Zambia and representatives from 10 provinces in Indonesia, West Kalimantan, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, East Java, Papua, South Sulawesi, Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, Lampung and Bengkulu Province. Plus 7 districts and cities throughout Banten Province and 35 districts. On the occasion Regent Irna Narulita said, Pandeglang Cultural Festival as a place to introduce the culture and artistic potential in Pandeglang, especially with the presence of 4 state delegations. Of course, it will have a positive impact for Pandeglang Regency, where Pandeglang local culture can be well-known in national and even foreign countries, "he said. Irna further added, the purpose of this event is not only to introduce Pandeglang cultures, but this activity is a promotion media to introduce tourism potential Pandeglang. With the hope of the tourists can visit directly to Pandeglang, because of the potent

Learn British English - The glottal stop

The glottal stop is the voiceless stop sound made in the throat produced by glottis and it is also known as the stop of the /t/ sound in the middle and at the end of the word. It's usually used in some British accents such as cockney accent. But nowadays, not all English speakers use it. Let's have a look at the examples below: Explanation : Ɂ = Glottal stop symbol 1. Button - /ˈbʌɁən/ 2. But - /bʌɁ/ 3. Important -  /ɪmˈpɔːɁənt/ 4. Mountain - /ˈmaʊnɁɪn/ Well, there are still lots of words pronounced using glottal stops and you can learn it more deeply. NOTICE: • Some of words are not pronounced using glottal stop. • Do not use the glottal stop if the /t/ sound appears at the beginning of the word because it will sound weird to be pronounced, such as Tired, Tie, Take and more. That's why you need to learn it more deeply.

Slangs and idioms of the day

"COACH POTATO" It means people who always waste their time in front of TV or even it could men a lazy person "CRABBY" It is an adjective refers to someone who can easily get annoyed or angry. "RAMEN NODDLE" It's an idiom for "BRAIN" (usually used by rappers). "TO LEVEL WITH SOMEONE" It means to tell the truth to someone. "TO BRING SOMEONE TO TASK" It means to incourage or to advise someone to do the right thing.


SAWARNA BEACH Sawarna Beach Sawarna beach, that located in Lebak, Banten province is now becomes more popular to be visited. In a decade, this beach that located along the forest beach in line with Pelabuhan Ratu, raise as one of most-visited beach and entitled as a new pearl in Southern Banten To reach Sawarna, the travelers from Jakarta can be start the journey from Tangerang, Tigaraksa and Malimping, Bayah. While, from Bandung, we can start from Pelabuhan Ratu, then down the coast to the west. Unfortunately, we have to ask to the people around, for there are still no apparent direction to the beach. Many people do not know Sawarna beach, whereas this beach has a quite interesting charm. Sawarna presents a gently sloping beaches and white sandy beach. Along the coast, there is a lovely large rock, commonly known as Tanjung Layar. We can also feel the snorkel to greet variety of ornamental fish and coral reef, also find the beauty in Ciantir Coast, Tanjung

question tags

Question tags Question tags are the short questions that we put on the end of sentences – particularly in spoken English. There are lots of different question tags but the rules are not difficult to learn. Positive/negative If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative …. He’s a doctor, isn’t he? You work in a bank, don’t you? ... and if the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive. You haven’t met him, have you? She isn’t coming, is she? With auxiliary verbs The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is an auxiliary verb (‘ have ’, ‘ be ’) then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb. They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they? They weren’t here, were they? He had met him before, hadn’t he? This isn’t working, is it? Without auxiliary verbs If the main part of the sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses an appropriate form of ‘ do