Learn British English - The glottal stop

The glottal stop is the voiceless stop sound made in the throat produced by glottis and it is also known as the stop of the /t/ sound in the middle and at the end of the word. It's usually used in some British accents such as cockney accent. But nowadays, not all English speakers use it. Let's have a look at the examples below:

Explanation :
Ɂ = Glottal stop symbol

1. Button - /ˈbʌɁən/
2. But - /bʌɁ/
3. Important -  /ɪmˈpɔːɁənt/
4. Mountain - /ˈmaʊnɁɪn/

Well, there are still lots of words pronounced using glottal stops and you can learn it more deeply.

• Some of words are not pronounced using glottal stop.
• Do not use the glottal stop if the /t/ sound appears at the beginning of the word because it will sound weird to be pronounced, such as Tired, Tie, Take and more. That's why you need to learn it more deeply.


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